
AS Elcogen / 10727890 / Kõrgetasemeline visiit koos äridelegatsiooniga Indoneesiasse ja Vietnami, 4-8.03.2019

Interested mainly in Indonesia. Elcogen is a global leader in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell development and production • 15 years of R&D experience and 5 years of successful product commercialisation • Strong position in the fuel cell market, where entry barriers for new players are high due to limited availability of specific know-how and long product development lead times • Focus on the most promising market segment in fuel cell business, i.e. small to medium sized stationary appliances generating power or co-generating power and heat • Experience in participating in various EU-funded R&D projects A strong and sustainable business and customer network • Serving 50+ customers in more than 20 countries in EU, Asia, North America in 2018 • Very positive feedback from customers on the current product • Discussions ongoing with several customers regarding high volume orders in the coming years • Modern production facilities of single SOFCs in Tallinn, Estonia • Subsidiary company developing SOFC stacks in Finland

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