
B.est Solutions Estonia OÜ / 11925020 / Kantsler Ando Leppimani visiit Hamburgi koos saatva äridelegatsiooniga 3.-6.02.2020

The likes of Deloitte, Microsoft, and KPMG turn to us as a trusted partner delivering digital identity and e-governance to new countries, showing that the Estonian e-state success story is transferable to emerging nations all over the world. We’re able to roll out our bespoke digital identity and e-governmental solutions to multiple different regions, including those with limited internet access and low digital literacy, such as Africa, Asia, Latin-America, and the Middle East. There is no vendor lock-in. We work for results and strong foundations, which are open for future development. This approach is driven by the highest standards, fostering interoperability and connectivity locally, regionally, and globally with partners for business and political development.

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