
DefSecIntel Solutions OÜ / 14514582 / Kõrgetasemeline visiit koos saatva äridelegatsiooniga Jaapanisse, 10.-13.02.2020

DefSecIntel Solutions (DSI) provides enhanced internal security and capabilities for the countries to increase prosperity . The team has experience more than 25 years of providing security in more than 25 countries. DSI is focused on development and integration of autonomous and automated surveillance solutions (Based on AI) for homeland security and critical infrastructure sectors. DSI’s main product SmartSHIELD is a situation awareness system, which core is patent pending Mobile Autonomous Surveillance Platform (MASP) including aerial support recon subsystem and AI-powered C2 software. The system uses unique machine learning detection models and advanced surveillance methods for automated classification and operations what will reduce the need of the manpower usage.

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