
Icefire OÜ / 10885324 / Kantsler Ando Leppimani visiit Hamburgi koos saatva äridelegatsiooniga 03.-05.02.2020

Icefire designs and builds transformative technologies for banks and fintech companies. The state-of-the-art technology created by Icefire is behind many Nordic banks and fintechs. We are also behind the innovative digital solutions of the Estonian tax system, recognised as the best in the OECD. Our decades-long experience has led us to a wealth of knowledge that goes far beyond technology – we’re immersed in the evolution of financial services. What we do: Retail & Corporate Banking Lending, Leasing, Factoring Payment Cards & Systems Digital KYC Regulatory & Compliance Real-time Decisioning, Analytics Revenue Recognition The major customers in the financial services sector include OP Financial Services Group, Swedbank (Group, Finland, Baltics), SEB, Arvato Financial Services, Volkswagen Financial Services, Luminor, LHV, Bigbank. In addition, Icefire has been building large scale financial systems for Skype and Telia. In 2018 we created Modularbank – a cloud-based banking platform that allows launching banking products and services in only 0-6 weeks. Modularbank is a spin-off of Icefire and realised out of decades of experience in working with financial institutions. Icefire is a member of the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce.

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