
RaulWalter / 11489659 / Asekantsler Viljar Lubi visiit Kanadasse koos saatva äridelegatsiooniga 12.11-15.11.2019

RaulWalter is one of the key players for the Estonian e-state with more than 10 years of experience on providing trust services, identity management solutions, security in electronic environments, integration between governmental and private data sources, etc. We have completed projects for both public and private sector in Estonia and also abroad and therefore very well acquainted with every component of the concept of e-state starting from smart card chips to end user software; systems integration, policy and legal framework creation processes. RaulWalter can run the full country digitalisation process without embedding vendor locks or back doors. We do our best to stick with open source and follow the Kerckhoffs’s principle which states that a cryptosystem must be secure even if everything except the key is public knowledge. There is countless number of countries all over the globe who have tried at least one of the components of the digital state. Then again there is no other like Estonia. The reason being is the failure to see the big picture and not having a long term strategy mixed with the lack of patience.

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