Title Description Foundation year Sector Agreed on notifications Administrators
OÜ Gurmeeklubi OÜ Gurmeeklubi (edaspidi: Gurmeeklubi) on Eesti toiduturul tuntud gurmeetoitude pakkuja. Meie suurim eelis konkurentide ees on olnud julgus tegeleda innovatsiooniga – olles samal ajal mitmetele teistele ettevõtetele suunanäitajad. Ettevõte kasutab tavapäraselt oma toodangus värskeid ja naturaalseid komponente, et pakkuda ainulaadseid ning uusi maitsenaudinguid. Võimaluse korral eelistame kohalikku toorainet. Ettevõtet on erinevates kategooriates 6 korral tunnustatud „Eesti parima toiduaine“ tiitliga. Tootearendusel teeme tihti koostööd erinevate teadusasutustega.
2021.aastal algas Gurmeeklubi uus etapp, mille ajal plaanime laiendada oma müügiareaali lähivälismaa turgudega (Skandinaavia, Saksamaa, Läti, Leedu ja Venemaa)
Gurmeeklubi toodang jaguneb kolmeks suuremaks grupiks (kastmed, pagaritooted ja kondiitritooted), millest esimene on ettevõtte kõige kiiremini arenev ja suurima ekspordipotentsiaaliga tooterühm: maitsehummuste sari, caesari kaste, majoneesi baasil valmistatud muud kastmed.
2009 Food Industry Soome, Rootsi, Venemaa Föderatsioon, Saksamaa, Läti Array
SolarStone OÜ Solarstone arendab ja toodab päikeseenergia tehnoloogiaid jätkusuutlikuks ning keskkonnasäästlikuks ehitamiseks ning tarbmiseks.
Solarstone arendab lisaks digitehnoloogiaid, lihtsustamaks oluliselt rohetehnoloogiate kasutamise planeerimist.

Ettevõtte pakub täna turule erinevaid ehitisintegreeritavaid päikesepaneelide lahendis, peagi lisaks erinevaid muid lahendusi. Samuti siseneb ettevõte peagi päikesepalahenduste finantseerimise turule, hakates pakkuma katuse vahetamise võimalust nii era- kui KÜ klientidele 0 omafinantseeringuga.

2015 Clean-tech, Construction, Smart City Rootsi, Saksamaa, Ameerika Ühendriigid, Kanada, Poola Array
UP Catalyst OÜ UP Catalyst OÜ is producing sustainable carbon nanomaterials and catalysts in novel methods. Currently, carbon materials are expensive and have a major negative impact on the environment, they are either mined from fossil resources or synthesized in toxic processes from raw oil. Our game-changing production processes are based on CO2 electrolysis and biomass pyrolysis. It recycles waste materials such as wood chips, black liquor, sludge and CO2. UP Catalyst’s products are superior to any other carbon nanomaterials in quality, product properties and highly competitive pricing. These materials are used in a wide range of industries such as, but not limited to batteries, fuel cells, water filters and many others.   Clean-tech, Startup Rootsi, Norra, Saksamaa, Suurbritannia, Soome Array
Salvest AS   1946 Food Industry, Organic Soome, Rootsi, Hiina, Saksamaa, Norra Array
OÜ Nõo Lihatööstus Nõo Lihatööstus on Eesti suurim ja uuendusmeelseim kohalikul kapitalil põhinev lihatööstus, mis pakub tööd ligi 200 inimesele. Meie sortimenti kuuluvad maitsvad, kvaliteetsed ning suure lihasisaldusega ehtsad lihatooted, mis on pakendatud mugavatesse väikepakenditesse. Nõo toodang valmib alati värskest jahutatud toorainest siinsamas Eestis, Tartu külje all.

Nõo Lihatööstus asutati 1992. aastal Nõo kolhoosi vorstitsehhi ruumides. Esimeseks tooteks oli legendaarne Nõo rulaad, mida valmistasime toona 100 kilo päevas. Nüüdseks kuulub Nõo portfelli üle 400 lihatoote: toores liha, hakklihatooted, viinerid ja vorstid, singid ja rulaadid, pasteedid, snäkid, mitmesugused hooajatooted ja palju muud. Nõo toodang jõuab eestimaalasteni tuntud ja armastatud Lihavürsti kaubamärgi nime all, samuti pakume oma lihatooteid toitlustusettevõtetele. Peale koduturu ekspordib Nõo oma toodangut ka Lätti ja Leetu.

9 Food Industry Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi, Taani, Austria, Norra, Suurbritannia Array
Tere AS on kaasaegne ning laia, ent samas efektiivse tooteportfelliga müügi- ja tootmisettevõte, mis on tõusnud piimatöötlejast hästi organiseeritud innovaatiliseks ettevõtteks.
Tere AS peamisteks tegevusaladeks on toorpiima kokkuost, piimatoodete tootmine ja müük.
Farmi Piimatööstus AS
Farmi Piimatööstus on Eesti kapitalil põhinev piimatööstus. Tänases majandussituatsioonis on äärmiselt oluline, et kliendid teaks: ostes Farmi tooteid aitad kaasa töökohtade ja eestimaise piimatööstuse säilimisele. Lisaks on meil au pidada end Eesti vanima, Kunda piimatööstuse järglaseks, mis asutati ligi 160 aastat tagasi.
  e-Commerce, Food Industry Soome, Rootsi, Taani, Saksamaa, Prantsusmaa Array
EESTI TOIDUAINETÖÖSTUSE LIIT Eesti Toiduainetööstuse Liit on toidutööstuste suurim esindusorganisatsioon, kelle üheks ülesandeks on ka liikmesettevõtete ekspordile kaasaaitamine. Teeme koostööd erinevate organisatsiooni ja ministeeriumitega. Toiduliidu liikmed maksavad 94% kogu toiduainete käibemaksust ning annavad üle 80% toiduainete ekspordist. 1993 Food Industry Ameerika Ühendriigid, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Jaapan, Saksamaa, Soome Array
Estover Piimatööstus OÜ Estover Piimatööstus OÜ is an Estonian milk processing company whose production is:
CHEESE blocks 18kg, cylinders 4.5kg (EDAM, GOUDA, TILSITER, CAGLIATA)


1999 Agriculture, Food Industry Rootsi, Saksamaa, Soome, Taani, Norra Array
Solarstone OÜ Solarstone arendab ja toodab 2in1 päikesekatuseid, mis on üheaegselt nii vastupidav katusematerjal kui ka lokaalset elektrit tootev lahendus. Tooted sobivad kõigi suuremate katusematerjalitootjatega (BMI, Monier, Toode jne). Täna on portfellis 3 eri toodet ning valmimas on lahendus fassaadile. 21 Clean-tech, Construction, House production, Smart City, Startup Madalmaad, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Poola, Šveits Array
Artec Design Artec Design specializes in product development – innovating at the intersection of electronics, software, FPGAs, and industrial design. At our core we are an engineering powerhouse in the Baltics with a passion for solving technological challenges and shaping the products of tomorrow. With over two decades of experience, Artec Design has strived to become a long-term partner for its 100+ clients, leading to a portfolio with a global footprint. Our work includes ticketing systems for public transportation (Estonia), free-space optical communication devices (Japan), industrial solutions (Germany), non-invasive medical devices (Switzerland), and lead retrieval devices (the USA). 1998 Clean-tech, Deep-tech, Defence industry, Electronics, Health-tech, Healthcare and medicine, House production, IT, Smart City, Telecommunications Saksamaa, Ameerika Ühendriigid, Šveits, Norra, Rootsi, Suurbritannia Array
Superhands OÜ Superhands develops and produces innovative, extremely low power consumption and small sensing solutions for agriculture, road maintenance and smart cities.
We control everything from electronics design to server solutions to mobile application for end users.
2014 Agriculture, Artificial intelligence, Clean-tech, Construction, Electronics, Health-tech, IT, Smart City, Startup, Telecommunications Poola, Saksamaa, Ameerika Ühendriigid, Taani, Madalmaad Array
COMODULE OÜ COMODULE builds technology to connect bikes and scooters to the internet. Enabling new business models like vehicle sharing and enhancing everyday use. To date it has connected more than 400k vehicles in more than 47 countries globally and is thus Global leader in IoT for micro-mobility. Currently COMODLUE is launching their new direct to consuner vehicle brand ÄIKE. These will be the only e-scooters made in Europe. From 40% recyclable material, connected from core. 2014 Electronics, IT, Telecommunications Saksamaa, Madalmaad, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Dynastia Consultancy OU We assist international companies with their expansion into the European Union through Estonia. Dynastia Consultancy strives to fully understand a client’s goals and the building blocks to achieve those goals. We search out and recommend real estate, startups, and other investment opportunities, then recommend the corporate structure, identify funding sources and assist with business operations within the country following the business plan tailored to meet the client’s goals. Dynastia Consultancy is a trusted advisor and counselor to many most influential businesses and individuals worldwide. We negotiate and advocate on behalf of our clients while managing all aspects of any third-party relationships to ensure compliance from those parties. 2020 e-governance, IT, Other, Startup, Telecommunications Saksamaa, Norra, Sint Maarten (Hollandi osa), Rootsi, Araabia Ühendemiraadid Array
Modularbank Modularbank offers a next-generation core banking platform, enabling banks and financial institutions as well as other businesses, e.g. retailers or telecommunication providers to rapidly roll out seamless, tailored financial services for their customers. Using Modularbank’s cloud-native API-first platform, companies can come up with new value propositions within weeks and create new revenue streams for themselves. Modularbank was established by Estonian banking technology pioneers, being built on technological excellence as well as years of experience in banking. 2019 Finance, Fintech, IT Kanada, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Saajos AS We are specialized in design and manufacturing of fire and safety doors. We design and produce fire doors even for the most demanding applications. We have delivered our products to luxury cruise liners, power plants, hospitals, hotels and shopping malls all around the world. 1998 Construction, Ship building Taani, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi Array
Finesto OÜ Private limited company 2015 Cyber security, Other Soome, Saksamaa, Läti, Norra, Rootsi Array
Artisana OÜ     Other Belgia, Soome, Saksamaa, Madalmaad, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Auve Tech Auve Tech is focused on the development and implementation of autonomous systems and specialised self-driving vehicles. Our goal is to ease last mile transit and delivery problems and address other urban transit challenges. In order to do this, we have developed an electric driverless shuttle that can be used in a variety of urban and suburban environments.   Artificial intelligence, Cyber security, Electronics, IT, Machinery, Other, Smart City, Startup, Telecommunications Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Mooncascade Mooncascade was founded in 2009 by four software engineers with a passion for high-quality coding. Today, Mooncascade is a leading product development company with global reach. Our skilled team provides outstanding quality at every stage of the software product development process, helping clients build innovative solutions that inspire, disrupt, and challenge markets across the world. 2009 IT Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi, Suurbritannia Array
Wazombi Labs somasmarthome.com 2013 Construction, Electronics, Smart City, Startup Austraalia, Saksamaa, Rootsi, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Solita OÜ IT- and data services provider. Working with large organisations in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Germany, Belgium and Denmark. Our customers include both public and private sector organizations. Part of Solita group that has over 1000 top IT and data systems experts.   IT Belgia, Taani, Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi Array
FOB Solutions OÜ FOB Solutions is a Mobile Development and Quality Assurance Service provider and a SaaS company with the test automation platform “Cifi”. Our key areas of business are new product development, process automation, and quality assurance. 2013 Biotech, IT Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi, Ameerika Ühendriigid Array
BBPL SALES OÜ     e-Commerce, Logistics, Other Belgia, Taani, Saksamaa, Šveits, Madalmaad  
MTÜ Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS) Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS) is a non-profit association with mission to ensure the development and strategic management of X-Road® and other cross-border components for e-government infrastructure. NIIS is both a network and cooperation platform, and executioner of IT developments in members’ common interests. The institute focuses on practical collaboration, sharing of experience and promoting innovation. The operating model of the institute is something quite unique in the world. 2017 Gov-tech, IT Taani, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi  
Berg perform oü Transport and online sales 2017 Agriculture, Electronics, Finance, Fintech, Food Industry, Logistics, Organic Saksamaa, Itaalia, Poola, Venemaa Föderatsioon, Suurbritannia  
Industrial Systems Engineering OÜ   2018 Machinery Saksamaa, Hiina, India, Itaalia, Norra Array
Blokhut OÜ Blokhut OÜ is a family company with the necessary production equipment and it offers various log buildings, furniture and interior design elements. We manufacture our products for both domestic and foreign markets. Our specialty is that we produce and design log houses (houses, saunas, wood shed and much more) and furniture exactly for our client’s taste and exact preferences. Blokhut OÜ on vajalike tootmisvahenditega pereettevõte, kes pakub erinevaid palkmaterjalist hooneid ja sisustust.. Me valmistame oma tooteid nii kodumaisele- kui ka välisturule. Meie eripäraks on see, et toodame ja disainime täpselt kliendi soovidele vastavaid käsitöö palkhooneid (majad, saunad, puukuur, kaevurakis ning palju muud) ja sisustust. 2019 Construction, Furniture, Startup, Wood Industry, House production Eesti, Soome, Saksamaa, Sint Maarten (Hollandi osa), Rootsi  
PowerUp Fuel Cells OÜ PowerUp is developing next-generation hydrogen fuel cell based electric generators. The first products are specialized on maritime market, but the generators have a wide range of applications, including military, camping, refrigerated transportation and more. The problem: Traditional diesel generators must be kept dry otherwise they corrode easily. Users must perform regular maintenance per operations and winterize the generator system in colder climates. Diesel generators also need regular usage otherwise problems will occur. They are noisy, heavy and smelly. Not only is this inconvenient but unreliability issues and vulnerability to corrosion can cause material damage or even death if power failures occur. Every market sector that needs backup power is facing these problems. The solution: PowerUp has created UP400 – the first fuel cell based electric generator in the world to exploit pure hydrogen gas in the maritime sector. It is extremely lightweight, water and corrosion resistant, can run easily in extreme conditions and does not need maintenance. It will be the new standard in reducing material damage and preventing any injuries occurred due to power failures or similar situations. It has a user interface and it can be connected via Bluetooth for easy usage. Changing the hydrogen cylinder takes only a moment. Hydrogen gas is directed into fuel cell and a chemical reaction strips its electrons. Negatively charged electrons provide the current through wires. As long as there is hydrogen and oxygen supply, fuel cells will generate electricity.   Startup Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Norra, Portugal, Madalmaad, Rootsi, Soome, Taani Array
WIERA NATURAL OÜ Wiera Nordic Candles consists of design collections that have been developed in collaboration with the best designers and photographers of Estonia. Wiera´s main selection consists of larger candles in a variety of glass containers and associated tea candle collections. Estonian family business that produces handmade natural design candles. Since starting in 2013, Wiera Natural Ltd´s brand Wiera Nordic Candles has drawn inspiration from the rustic style of Scandinavian country homes and the wild nature of Estonia. 2012 Other Soome, Saksamaa, Itaalia, Singapur, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Öselstuff Oü BIRCH WATER Revitalising refreshment from Estonian forests * ORGANIC * NO PRESERVATIVES * LOW SUGAR * 2016 Drinks Industry Saksamaa, Prantsusmaa Array
Astro Baltics OÜ Astro Baltics is an IT company with over 21 years of experience. Our aim is to offer complex IT solutions to help you build a smart and easily administrative company. We are the leading developer of fueling station software in Estonia with solutions for payments, forecourt device controllers and hardware. Currently we are developing the first cloud-based fuel station management system in Europe called Cloudics. 1998 IT, Smart City Austria, Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi  
Iluekspress Iluteenused, juuksur, habe   All, Healthcare and medicine, IT, Organic, Other, Cosmetics Kanada, Saksamaa, India, Indoneesia, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Great OÜ We are reed straw manufacturer who creates straws from local raw material. We started in our garage and now we have 3employees and our own manufacturing building. We have developed our own automated machine to create these straws and from our waste material we are able to create a variety of new products 2018 Organic Taani, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Suurbritannia  
ECR Baltic OÜ   2016 All Austria, Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Manimal oü Manimal builds Websites, digital marketing and e-shops   e-Commerce, IT Saksamaa, Jaapan, Norra, Madalmaad, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Wahl OÜ Marketing services 2018 Other Austria, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Itaalia, Šveits Array
Nordtran OÜ     Agriculture, Food Industry, Healthcare and medicine, Logistics, Organic Austria, Saksamaa Array
Sealteck OÜ For more than 10 years, the principal activity of our company has been to design, manufacture and install the custom-made furniture and provide outstanding interior design solutions for every taste, wordwide. 2006 Furniture, Marine Taani, Saksamaa, Island, Hispaania, Šveits Array
Wallester AS Wallester AS is a European fintech company focused on developing digital payment platforms. The company provides businesses with white label solutions for payment card issuing. Wallester’s innovative cloud-based service platform guarantees our customers the best-of-class speed to market based on flexible product launch capabilities and requisite compliancy and infrastructure support. 2016 Fintech Soome, Saksamaa, Poola, Rootsi, Madalmaad  
ADM Interactive OÜ We create digital service, sales and marketing solutions. We are a digital solutions agency, a group of specialized companies. We establish strategies and create tactics. We develop service solutions, e-commerce and sales platforms and websites both for desktop and mobile. We build integration and middle layers into your business back-end systems to connect your business infrastructure with new front-end services. We host and manage your server infrastructure in the AWS, Google or Azure cloud. Our digital media unit plans and manages all your digital media activities: media strategy, planing, buying, performance nalysis and creative production for all channels (display, programmatic, social, content, search etc). 1997 e-Commerce, Ed-tech, Finance, Food Industry, Gov-tech, Healthcare and medicine, IT, Other, Telecommunications Saksamaa, Suurbritannia  
Nestor Cables Baltics OÜ   2017 Electronics, Machinery, Other, Plastics industry, Smart City, Telecommunications Hiina, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Poola, Ameerika Ühendriigid Array
MTÜ Paldiski Ettevõtjate Liit mtü   Biotech, Construction, Electronics, Furniture, Logistics, Machinery, Marine, Organic, Wood Industry, Metal Industry Austria, Soome, Saksamaa, Itaalia, Rootsi  
Meta Advisory Group OÜ Government relations, public affairs and political risk management in the Baltics and beyond 2009 All Hiina, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Helmes Helmes is the 2nd largest IT company in Estonia with 750 employees and 40 million revenue. For over 28 years in business Helmes has provided custom software development services to more than 500 organizations. Our clients are the leading telecom operators, banks, insurance companies, logistics corporations, healthcare providers and government institutions. Helmes has more than 15 years of experience in developing e-governance solutions for the Government of Estonia. Our specialization: – Custom software solutions and software consulting – Enterprise system integration, incl. IOT – Business consulting and digital transformation – Data-driven and real-time economy solutions – Tailor-made machine learning implementation 1991 e-Commerce, Gov-tech, Healthcare and medicine, IT, Logistics, Smart City, Telecommunications Soome, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Norra, Madalmaad  
Advanced Sports Installations Europe Synthetic turf handling company that provides all services to build, renovate and recycle. Our uniqueness is ability to remove, sort and clean all components with mobile machinery to have waste free circularity for materials and lowest carbon footprint as materials are not transported but recycling happens on site or at closest recycling center. Also, offering financing instrument, our 5G rental concept allows sports clubs and local authorities to build sports fields similarly to leasing cars. We are looking for new partners to distribute services but as well as investors to invest in a new leasing service with a high growth potential, into project where clients have solid and long cash flow. 2011 Agriculture, Construction, Finance, Plastics industry, Smart City, Startup Norra, Saksamaa, Madalmaad, Belgia, Prantsusmaa, Austria, Bulgaaria, Hispaania, Horvaatia, Iirimaa, Itaalia, Kreeka, Küpros, Leedu, Luksemburg, Läti, Malta, Poola, Portugal, Rootsi, Rumeenia, Slovakkia, Sloveenia, Soome, Taani, Tšehhi Vabariik, Ungari, Suurbritannia Array
Bikeep OÜ Bikeep is the leading smart commercial bike parking provider in the world. We solve big infrastructure problems with tailored micromobility solutions for municipalities, transit companies, commercial and residential properties. 2012 Electronics, Gov-tech, IT, Logistics, Smart City Soome, Saksamaa, Iirimaa, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Optimist Digital OÜ Optimist Digital is a digital product agency located in Tallinn, Estonia. We focus on UI/UX design and software development. The team consists of creative, experienced and tech-savvy people who have a passion for creating high quality products. Our mission is to boost our client’s businesses through carefully planned and well built solutions.   e-Commerce, IT, Logistics, Smart City, Startup Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi, Suurbritannia Array
Bidrento Bidrento is an automated property management software for Landlords, Property Managers and Letting Agents. Bidrento automates manual and repetitive tasks in tenancy and rental property management. As a result, our customers save up to 75% of their time spent on usual tasks and are able to manage 4xbigger rental property portfolios. More information could be found here: https://bidrento.com/ 2019 Artificial intelligence, Construction, Deep-tech, e-Commerce, e-governance, Finance, Fintech, Gov-tech, House production, IT, Smart City, Startup, Telecommunications Hispaania, Poola, Saksamaa, Tšehhi Vabariik, Soome, Katar Array
ARC SMR OÜ Ship Repair, machinery diagnostics 2017 Machinery, Marine, Ship building Hiina, Saksamaa, Norra, Venemaa Föderatsioon, Rootsi  
Blueglass Interactive OÜ We create user-friendly, state-of-the-art self-services, e-shops and other convenient customer-system solutions aimed for results. Our goal at IT development is always to simplify processes and create value for the customer. 2015 e-Commerce, Fintech, Healthcare and medicine, IT, Logistics, Other, Startup, Telecommunications Saksamaa, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Hispaania, Soome, Venemaa Föderatsioon Array
RD Electronic AS EMS service provider, manufacturer of medical electronics 1993 Electronics Tšehhi Vabariik, Saksamaa, Hongkong, Mehhiko, Slovakkia  
Interconnect Product Assembly AS Interconnect Product Assembly AS is an independent, privately owned company specializing in the production of electro-mechanical solutions, from simple cable harnesses to complex fully functional assemblies. The range of services we provide include design, prototyping, serial production, supply chain management and hub sourcing solutions. 1999 Defence industry, Electronics, Machinery, Marine, Ship building Saksamaa, Šveits, Madalmaad, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
TULITEC OÜ BIM (building information management) services. We support AEC industry with implementing special IT solutions.   Construction, IT, Smart City Taani, Eesti, Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi, Ukraina, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Suurbritannia Array
bnt attorneys in CEE bnt is an international law firm in 10 central European countries. We offer clients targeted legal advice from a single source for both local and cross-border assignments. Our main focus both internationally and in Estonia is on clients from German-speaking countries. 2006 Other Austria, Saksamaa, Šveits, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid Array
Nortal GmbH     IT Saksamaa  
Gofore Estonia OÜ   2018 Gov-tech, IT Austraalia, Saksamaa, Island, Jaapan, Norra, Hispaania, Rootsi, Suurbritannia Array
AS Merko Ehitus Eesti     Construction, Smart City Taani, Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi, Suurbritannia  
Sifr OÜ   2017 Defence industry, IT, Smart City, Startup Soome, Saksamaa, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid Array
Frozen Kingdom Design, Game & Software Development 2011 Biotech, e-Commerce, Healthcare and medicine, IT, Smart City, Startup Saksamaa, Jaapan, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Nortal AS Nortal is a multinational strategic change and technology company. Combining the unique experience of transforming Estonia into a digital leader and creating change in businesses with a strategic approach and data-driven technology, our vision is to build a seamless society. Nortal is present in 10 countries and employs over 800 specialists who carry out high-impact projects across Europe, Middle East, Africa, and North America. 2000 Artificial intelligence, Cyber security, e-Commerce, e-governance, Ed-tech, Fintech, Gov-tech, Healthcare and medicine, IT, Logistics, Startup, Telecommunications Kanada, Soome, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Liibanon, Saudi Araabia, Rootsi, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Naturewear OÜ The new Estonian footwear brand KIRA has achieved something unimaginable: the world’s first zero-waste ballet flats made from innovative recycled materials in Tartu, Estonia. Like a beautiful Nordic woman, KIRA exudes minimalism, elegance and above all: timelessness. She glides through the untouched bogs and forests with love and grace leaving behind no trace. KIRA doesn’t need much but she yearns for quality. KIRA doesn’t need anything new but a masterful rebirth of the existing. The story of KIRA doesn’t just end with the shoes. Designers take back the worn shoes back again, recycle them once more and donate the new pair to a young woman in need. If the shoes cannot be fixed, they are converted into energy.   e-Commerce, Startup Saksamaa, Itaalia, Jaapan, Hispaania, Suurbritannia  
Hansa Työvoima OÜ     Agriculture, Electronics, Machinery, Marine, Plastics industry, Wood Industry, Metal Industry Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi Array
Must Küüslauk OÜ   2008 Food Industry, Organic Soome, Rootsi, Taani, Norra, Saksamaa  
Pizzakiosk Oü Estonian Franchise Chain “PIZZAKIOSK” with 28 outlets in Estonia and looking for a master franchise partner in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Poland. 2010 Food Industry Taani, Saksamaa, Läti, Poola, Rootsi Array
Kaanon Tallinn OÜ Active in real estate world of selling, buying and renting.   Other Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi, Suurbritannia  
Vestmint Pro OÜ Vestmint is an experienced advertising agency that is highly valued by its customers for offering comprehensive, well-planned and effective solutions. We will perform a strategic analysis of your business and propose innovative solutions that are guaranteed to add value to your product. 2014 e-Commerce, Other Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi, Suurbritannia  
Stellar Film OÜ Stellar Film was started by prolific producer Evelin Penttilä in 2015. We are focusing on producing feature films by talented Estonian film makers as well as providing high-quality production services for international films & TV series in Estonia. We have used FilmEstonia cash rebate measure to collaborate with Nordic films, such as MARIA’S PARADISE (2019) by Zaida Bergroth and HELENE (2020) by Antti J. Jokinen. Currently we are in production with CHRISTMAS IN JUNGLE with Locomotive Productions and preparing the production of THE SLEEPING BEAST by Jaak Kilmi. Stellar is member of Estonian Film Industry Cluster and founding member of Tallinn Film Wonderland soundstage development. 2015 Other Saksamaa, Prantsusmaa, Suurbritannia, Jaapan, Ameerika Ühendriigid Array
Singleton Group OÜ Singleton is an Estonian based digital product development agency building cutting-edge web applications & native apps. Focusing on online platforms from industries like fintech, smart mobility and HR, we have helped to roll out many new products in Europe & Asia. Singleton is following a simple narrative: software is about making machines work for humans. Our culture values learning each and every step. We are not afraid to challenge ourselves which often requires going an extra mile. We don’t just write quality code, we also make sure our partners have their product development done right – we help to shape the idea to a scalable product. Some of our success stories include companies like Bayer, Elisa, Telia, Navirec, Ridango and many others. 2015 e-Commerce, e-governance, Gov-tech, IT, Smart City, Startup Soome, Saksamaa, Läti, Nigeeria, Šveits, Suurbritannia Array
AS Rake Development and manufacturing of façade systems 1988 Construction Taani, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi, Suurbritannia  
Palmako AS   1997 Wood Industry, House production Austria, Horvaatia, Saksamaa, Ungari, Sloveenia  
BaltCap Growth Fund Private equity investor providing growth capital and actively contributing to the expansion strategy and execution of the portfolio companies.   e-Commerce, Electronics, Finance, Fintech, Food Industry, Furniture, IT, Machinery, Organic, Plastics industry, Telecommunications, Wood Industry, Drinks Industry Taani, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Rootsi, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Estonian Malt OÜ Estonian Malt is a leading malt producer in Baltic countries. The company has more than 23 years of experience supplying the biggest bread bakeries in the Baltic countries and many other EU bakeries. Today they are amongst the leaders in the industry and the company continues developing. 1996 Food Industry, Organic Soome, Saksamaa, Itaalia, Poola, Rootsi  
Akkadian OÜ     Fintech, Startup Belgia, Saksamaa, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid Array
Group EcoBox OÜ producer of Recycled and biodegradable products for pet market. 2019 Electronics, Healthcare and medicine, Other, Startup Taani, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Norra, Poola, Rootsi  
Levira AS   1997 IT, Other, Telecommunications Saksamaa, Portugal, Rumeenia, Sloveenia, Hispaania, Rootsi, Madalmaad, Suurbritannia  
Flowit Estonia Flowit is a software development company that specializes in digitalization of industrial and logistics companies. We have developed specialist products to streamline and automate sales at logistics companies. We have a fully fledged quote and book solution and also an AI based prediction engine to pinpoint future shipments and analyze custiomer behaviour (eg churn and shipping patterns). 2007 IT, Logistics Austria, Soome, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Norra, Hispaania, Rootsi, Šveits  
FoodDocs FoodDocs’ solution enables food suppliers to create and manage their mandatory food safety related processes and documentation in digitalized way quickly and easily, providing transparency through the whole supply chain. 2017 Artificial intelligence, e-governance, Food Industry, IT, Startup Hiina, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Läti, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Lahemaa Mesi OÜ   2011 Agriculture, Food Industry Austria, Belgia, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Šveits  
GoSwift The GoSwift Queue Management Service is committed to facilitate international trade by using virtual queuing of vehicles at land border crossings. GoSwift operates in 4 countries – Finland, Russia, Lithuania and Estonia, at 9 border crossing points, using a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. Several other countries have showed their interest to the border queue service. GoSwift service allows vehicles to pre-book time slots for crossing the borders via the web, a call centre and self-service terminals at designated waiting areas. In 2013, GoSwift was nominated as one of the best e-services in the world, by World Summit Award, contest to select and promote of best practices in digital innovation with local relevance, content depth and user value from all UN member states. In 2015, GoSwift won the OECD’s International Transport Forum “Transport Achievement Award” for its outstanding results in solving border crossing transport issues resulting in growth of tourism and trade. 2000 e-governance, IT, Logistics Botswana, Bulgaaria, Soome, Saksamaa, Ungari, Indoneesia, Iirimaa, Jaapan, Kasahstan, Keenia, Läti, Leedu, Malaisia, Moldova, Mosambiik, Namiibia, Filipiinid, Rumeenia, Venemaa Föderatsioon, Saudi Araabia, Singapur, Slovakkia, Lõuna-Aafrika Vabariik, Tai, Türgi, Ukraina, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Suurbritannia, Vietnam, Sambia Array
Soon Collab OÜ Showroom management, design, event management, marketing services. 2018 e-Commerce, Furniture, Organic, Other, Smart City, Startup Taani, Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi, Suurbritannia  
MindTitan OÜ     IT Soome, Saksamaa, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Greencube OÜ     Wood Industry, House production Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi, Šveits  
IDR INKASSO AGENTUUR OÜ Financial and legal services   e-Commerce, Finance, IT, Other, Startup Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Norra, Hispaania, Suurbritannia  
CGI Eesti AS     Defence industry, e-Commerce, Fintech, IT, Smart City, Telecommunications Belgia, Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi, Suurbritannia  
Thorgate Digital Thorgate is a digital product development agency with offices in Tallinn, Oslo & London. We build more complex web and mobile applications (digital products) focusing on the following industries: Industry 4.0, Health tech, eCommerce, Fintech & Forestry. 2011 e-Commerce, Healthcare and medicine, IT, Smart City, Startup Saksamaa, Norra, Šveits, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Lahhentagge OÜ Lahhentagge drinks come from the island of Saaremaa – a land where the summers are warm and the winters are dark. Lahhentagge’s Ösel Dry Gin has won a number of international and local awards. 2016 Drinks Industry Hiina, Taani, Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi  
Logistika ja Transiidi Assotsiatsioon The Mission of the Estonian Logistics and Transit Association is to ensure the stability and sustainable development of the international logistics and transit chain passing through Estonia. The main objectives and responsibilities of the Association are as follows: Active involvement in the development of the vision, strategies and action plans relating to the international trade passing through Estonia; Representation of the joint interests of the members in liaising with the bodies of state and local authorities and other organisations; Participation in the projects promoting the joint interests of the members; Active involvement in the drafting of legislative acts pertaining to the development of the politics of Estonian logistics and transit, infrastructure of harbours and railways as well as the passenger carriage; Active participation in the development of the logistics of trade and passenger flows, in the enhancement of competitiveness of the Estonian transit corridor, and in the engagement of new trade flows and foreign investments; Organisation of co-operation with other participants in the logistics chain as well as the partnership with peer organisations on international level; 2001 Logistics Hiina, Saksamaa, Kasahstan, Venemaa Föderatsioon, Rootsi  
AS Helmes   1991 IT Belgia, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Biofire OÜ Biofire is the first Baltic company who is specialized to produce and develop innovative fire gel masses. Our product line includes a wide range of fire lighting gels for ordinary users (BBQ, ovens, fireplaces), chafing fuels and specialized gels for hiking. We produce special gels and solutions for military area! 2016 Biotech, Defence industry, Food Industry, Organic, Plastics industry, Startup Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Poola, Venemaa Föderatsioon  
DefSecIntel Solutions OÜ   2018 All, Defence industry, Gov-tech, IT, Smart City Albaania, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Rumeenia, Saudi Araabia, Araabia Ühendemiraadid  
Vindor OÜ Vindor is producer of primed and / or white painted wooden Door frames, Interior products and outdoor products. 2010 Wood Industry, House production Austria, Belgia, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Šveits  
Hartman Scandic OÜ   2018 Agriculture, Construction, Organic, Other Taani, Saksamaa, Norra, Singapur, Suurbritannia  
Indoor.ninja OÜ Innovative secure mobile access services in smart city and proptech business verticals. We got very positive feedback from Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress 2018, where we participated within the EAS booth. Strong interest to our solution was from Arab Emirates. 2014 Construction, IT, Smart City Saksamaa, Poola, Hispaania, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Ameerika Ühendriigid  
Nord Homes OÜ Prefab timber frame home designer and builder. 2013 Wood Industry, House production Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi  
Hansa24 Group OÜ     e-Commerce, Wood Industry, House production Soome, Saksamaa, Hispaania, Rootsi, Suurbritannia  
Inseneribüroo Pluss.ee Structural design engineering consultancy 2009 Wood Industry, House production Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Rootsi  
Eesti Puitmajaliit     Construction, Wood Industry, House production Kanada, Hiina, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Norra, Saudi Araabia, Rootsi, Madalmaad  
CybExer Technologies OÜ CybExer Technologies is an Estonian cyber security company specialising on cyber capabilities development with the focus on cyber hygiene, cyber trainings and exercises. CybExer’s international experience expands from Europe to North America, Latin America, South-East Asia and the Gulf region. For the latest threat picture and training experience, CybExer has developed several state-of-the-art prioprietary software tools with a high degree of sophistication. For example, CybExer tools provide the backbone for the gamenet deployment of the world’s largest and most comprehensive live fire cyber defence exercise, Locked Shields organised annually by the NATO Cyber Centre of Excellence in Tallinn, Estonia. Cyber Hygiene digital learning platform https://cybexer.com/cyber-hygiene-e-learning-course/ was launched together with the Estonian State Information Authority in spring 2017. It is meant for government institutions providing the risk profiles at the user, organization and state level. This allows more precise risk management with attention devoted to specific weaknesses. Cyber Ranges and Technical Exercises https://cybexer.com/isa/ offer world-class solutions developed over years and are based on experiences gained from large multinational cyber exercises. CybExer Technologies has a developed a set of automation and visualization software solutions that enable extremely large volume exercises, making cyber exercises more accessible, scalable and at the same time allowing more sophisticated training experience. Strategic Cyber Security Exercises target governments and enterprises at policy maker/senior executive level. Cyber security is not a technical problem – we must not ignore the importance of effective decision-making in cyber defence. We need to train strategic level decision-makers and provide them with an experience of having to solve a major cyber crisis in their country or in their company. Key analytical questions that leaders need to ask fall into four categories: timeline, transparency, authority and cooperation.   Defence industry, IT Armeenia, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Kasahstan, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Usbekistan  
Roofit Solar Energy We have developed innovative solar panels for roofs and facades. Roofit.solar modules are building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) construction elements that replace the conventional roofing and facade materials. Electricity is produced in a thin photovoltaic layer that covers the metal sheet. The series connection of modules is made under the roof sheeting between the battens. The installation is as easy as the installation of standard standing seam metal roof. 2016 Clean-tech, Construction, Smart City Norra, Rootsi, Saksamaa, Soome, Austria Array
Icefire OÜ Icefire designs and builds transformative technologies for banks and fintech companies. We simplify and automate complicated processes, replacing tedium with meaningful work fit for humans.   Artificial intelligence, Cyber security, Deep-tech, e-Commerce, e-governance, Fintech, IT, Telecommunications Austria, Kanada, Taani, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Singapur, Šveits, Suurbritannia