Title Description URL Registry code Web Email Address Foundation year Sector Agreed on notifications
FoodDocs FoodDocs’ solution enables food suppliers to create and manage their mandatory food safety related processes and documentation in digitalized way quickly and easily, providing transparency through the whole supply chain. https://visiidid.ee/company/fooddocs/ 14177340 http:// katrin@fooddocs.eu Pärnu mnt 12 2017 IT Hiina, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Suurbritannia, Ameerika Ühendriigid
The Negotiating Man OÜ Negotiation trainings https://visiidid.ee/company/the-negotiating-man-ou/ 14438059 http:// georgmerilo@gmail.com Merivälja tee 16-4 2018 All Hiina
Mittetulundusühing North Star AI North Star AI is a nonprofit with a mission to solve AI talent shortage in the region and introduce in-depth discussions about the advancements in AI technologies. https://visiidid.ee/company/mittetulundusuhing-north-star-ai/ 80426598 http:// triin@aiconf.tech Lille 2-3 2017 IT Hiina, Soome, Rootsi, Ameerika Ühendriigid
Lahhentagge OÜ Lahhentagge drinks come from the island of Saaremaa – a land where the summers are warm and the winters are dark. Lahhentagge’s Ösel Dry Gin has won a number of international and local awards. https://visiidid.ee/company/lahhentagge-ou/ 14132567 http:// tarmo@lahhentagge.com Suur-Kadaja talu, Lahetaguse 2016 Food and beverages Hiina, Taani, Soome, Saksamaa, Rootsi
Logistika ja Transiidi Assotsiatsioon The Mission of the Estonian Logistics and Transit Association is to ensure the stability and sustainable development of the international logistics and transit chain passing through Estonia. The main objectives and responsibilities of the Association are as follows: Active involvement in the development of the vision, strategies and action plans relating to the international trade passing through Estonia; Representation of the joint interests of the members in liaising with the bodies of state and local authorities and other organisations; Participation in the projects promoting the joint interests of the members; Active involvement in the drafting of legislative acts pertaining to the development of the politics of Estonian logistics and transit, infrastructure of harbours and railways as well as the passenger carriage; Active participation in the development of the logistics of trade and passenger flows, in the enhancement of competitiveness of the Estonian transit corridor, and in the engagement of new trade flows and foreign investments; Organisation of co-operation with other participants in the logistics chain as well as the partnership with peer organisations on international level; https://visiidid.ee/company/logistika-ja-transiidi-assotsiatsioon/ 80157276 http:// info@transit.ee Sadama 25/4, Tallinn, 10111 2001 Logistics Hiina, Saksamaa, Kasahstan, Venemaa Föderatsioon, Rootsi
Pohla & Hallmägi Providing proffessional legal services in commerical and corporate issues https://visiidid.ee/company/pohla-hallmagi/ 10139182 http:// j.ploom@phlaw.ee Kentmanni 4, Tallinn 1997 Telecommunications, Other Hiina, Norra, Venemaa Föderatsioon, Rootsi, Suurbritannia
RASMAN OÜ RASMAN Group is active in maritime industry, providing quality ship repair and building services, include renewable energy solutions which is established in 2007. by maritime professional Rasmus Hirtentreu. https://visiidid.ee/company/rasman-ou/ 11396113 http:// rasmus@rasman.ee Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 4a-21 2007 Startup, Logistics, Smart City, e-Commerce, Marine Hiina
AB TEMPT   https://visiidid.ee/company/ab-tempt/ 11227824 http:// urmet@tempt.ee Vabriku 6, Põhja-Tallinn 2006 Wood and wooden houses, Smart City, Construction Hiina, Soome, Norra, Rootsi
Eesti Puitmajaliit   https://visiidid.ee/company/eesti-puitmajaliit/ 80103116 http:// info@puitmajaliit.ee     Wood and wooden houses, Construction Hiina, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Jaapan, Norra, Rootsi, Madalmaad
Haage Joogid OÜ   https://visiidid.ee/company/haage-joogid-ou/ 12281458   xenia.joost@haage.ee Vana-louna 39-19 2012 Food and beverages Hiina, Indoneesia, Jaapan, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Vietnam