Title Description Sector
Interconnect Product Assembly AS Interconnect Product Assembly AS is an independent, privately owned company specializing in the production of electro-mechanical solutions, from simple cable harnesses to complex fully functional assemblies. The range of services we provide include design, prototyping, serial production, supply chain management and hub sourcing solutions. Electronics, Machinery and metal industry, Marine, Defence industry
Levira AS   Telecommunications, Startup, Fintech
Harmet OÜ We offer to our clients complete modular housing solutions – from design and production to final assembly of the buildings. Wood and wooden houses, Construction
Q-haus Baltic OÜ Producer of wooden prefabricated houses Wood and wooden houses, Construction
EstateGuru EstateGuru on Mandri-Euroopa suurim online ühisrahastuskeskkond lühiajalistele tagatud kinnisvaralaenudele. Finance, e-Commerce, Fintech
Top Marine OÜ Floating Marina Constructions Wood and wooden houses, Construction, Marine