Title Description URL Registry code Email Address Foundation year Sector Agreed on notifications
Rhino Investeeringud Investments and banking https://visiidid.ee/company/rhino-investeeringud/ 14601329 katrin@allik.ee Rapla, Rapla vald, Kaiu, Kasvandu tee 19, 79301   IT, Telecommunications, Electronics, Food and beverages, Logistics, Machinery and metal industry, Finance, Wood and wooden houses, Healthcare and medicine, e-Commerce, Furniture, Plastic industry, Fintech, Other, Ed-tech, Gov-tech, Space-tech Valgevene, Horvaatia, Tšehhi Vabariik, Poola, Venemaa Föderatsioon, Šveits
MTU AML Partners Financical consulting, investments, e-commerce, digital bank and crypto investments https://visiidid.ee/company/mtu-aml-partners/ 80553339 juri.paal@gmail.com     Startup, Finance, e-Commerce, Fintech Valgevene, Hiina, Venemaa Föderatsioon, Suurbritannia
Advokaadibüroo Hedman Partners Hedman Partners, established in Tallinn in 1993, is a law firm offering its expertise across the spectrum of corporate legal services. The wealth of experience gathered over the span of two decades is coupled with the energetic and innovative approach of the law firm’s youthful staff – this allows Hedman Partners to assert confidence in its professional practices, while also being open to unique and novel solutions for achieving the desired objectives. The law firm serves its clients in Estonia, Finland , Latvia and Lithuania, while also extending the network across the whole Europe through its affiliation with international legal alliances. Years of working closely with international clients has given the team at Hedman Partners the skill to help foreign enterprises understand the local legal environment better, drawing from a deeper understanding of both Baltic and Scandinavian legal systems. Hedman Partners believes in availability – all our clients are treated equally, regardless of the size or scope of the project and our attorneys are always accessible for every client. Availability is also the cornerstone of the law firm’s billing principles. 25 years of experience places Hedman Partners in a position, where tasks can be foreseen more clearly and accurate estimates can be devised ahead of engagement. Hedman Partners values the human interaction between its attorneys, the clients and the public at large, with a strong emphasis on the team’s strong social skills. The Hedman Partners team frequently engage in sharing their wealth of knowledge with others through a number of expert publications, seminars and lectures on various academic levels. https://visiidid.ee/company/advokaadiburoo-hedman-partners/ 11978387 info@hedman.ee Rotermanni 8 1993 Other Valgevene, Tšehhi Vabariik, Poola, Venemaa Föderatsioon