Title Description URL Registry code Email Address Foundation year Sector Agreed on notifications
Avokaado.com OÜ Contract automation platform for law firms and enterprises. https://visiidid.ee/company/avokaado-com-ou/ 14015962 mariana@avokaado.com Vana-Posti 7-9 2016 IT, Startup Kanada, Poola, Ameerika Ühendriigid
Pizzakiosk Oü Estonian Franchise Chain “PIZZAKIOSK” with 28 outlets in Estonia and looking for a master franchise partner in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Poland. https://visiidid.ee/company/pizzakiosk-ou/ 11982101 kurre@pizzakiosk.ee Kanarbiku tee 3, Anna küla, Paide linn, 72601 Järvamaa 2010 Food and beverages Taani, Saksamaa, Läti, Poola, Rootsi
Estonian Malt OÜ Estonian Malt is a leading malt producer in Baltic countries. The company has more than 23 years of experience supplying the biggest bread bakeries in the Baltic countries and many other EU bakeries. Today they are amongst the leaders in the industry and the company continues developing. https://visiidid.ee/company/estonian-malt-ou/ 10062373 info@estmalt.ee Räpina mnt 15, 65606, Estonia 1996 Food and beverages, Organic Soome, Saksamaa, Poola, Rootsi
Group EcoBox OÜ producer of Recycled and biodegradable products for pet market. https://visiidid.ee/company/group-ecobox-ou/ 14650977 info@mypulp.eu Narva mnt 36 2019 Other Poola
Biofire OÜ Biofire is the first Baltic company who is specialized to produce and develop innovative fire gel masses. Our product line includes a wide range of fire lighting gels for ordinary users (BBQ, ovens, fireplaces), chafing fuels and specialized gels for hiking. We produce special gels and solutions for military area! https://visiidid.ee/company/biofire-ou/ 14112406 info@biofire.ee Harjumaa, Tallinn, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 2016 Startup, Food and beverages, Plastic industry, Organic, Defence industry, Biotech Soome, Saksamaa, Norra, Poola, Venemaa Föderatsioon
Filmitegija OÜ We are making tv shows. https://visiidid.ee/company/filmitegija-ou/ 12116788 andres@filmitegija.ee Uus tänav 5, Pärnu   IT, All, Other Kanada, Jaapan, Poola, Venemaa Föderatsioon
Indoor.ninja OÜ Innovative secure mobile access services in smart city and proptech business verticals. We got very positive feedback from Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress 2018, where we participated within the EAS booth. Strong interest to our solution was from Arab Emirates. https://visiidid.ee/company/indoor-ninja-ou/ 12760845 madis.laas@indoor.ninja Laeva 2, Tallinn 10111, Eesti 2014 IT, Smart City, Construction Saksamaa, Poola, Hispaania, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Ameerika Ühendriigid