Tamro Eesti OÜ / 10173188 / Kõrgetasemeline visiit koos äridelegatsiooniga Kasahstani ja Usbekistani, 3-7.06.2019
Tamro Baltics is the leading pharmaceutical operator in the Baltic States. Tamro Baltics is a part of the international PHOENIX group, which operates the distribution of pharmaceutical products in 26 European countries. Tamro offers comprehensive wholesale services and supplies pharmaceuticals and other products to pharmacies and hospitals. In addition, Tamro can take care of the entire pharmaceutical supply chain for manufacturers through its distribution services. This includes storage, transport, management of goods, billing, and other additional services. The retail network of almost 250 pharmacies serves customers in all three countries. In addition to pharmaceuticals, we offer an attractive range of health and wellbeing products, such as food supplements, skin care products and more.