
Haage Joogid OÜ / 12281458 / Kõrgetasemeline visiit koos äridelegatsiooniga Indoneesiasse ja Vietnami, 4-8.03.2019

• Haage Joogid OÜ was established in 2012 (deep well is established in 1983). Specialized in producing non-alcoholic beverages from pure Estonian high-quality natural mineral groundwater. • Haage natural mineral water is naturally pure – it does not undergo any processing and no additives. Haage natural mineral water has been strictly controlled and has been granted the Certificate of Approval. • Haage natural mineral water is sodium-free, suitable for everyday consumption by people of all ages and kids. • Haage natural mineral water has neutral pH level 7,2-7,6 • Haage natural mineral water has excellent calcium and magnesium ratio of 3Ca to 1Mg guarantees better absorption of calcium in the body, to maintain healthy bones, teeth, nails, and hair.

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